Contact Details

  • Township of Ignace
    Economic Development Department
  • Phone:
    807-934-2202 ext. 1034 or
    807-934-2202 ext. 1022

Doing Business in Ignace

Why is Ignace regarded as one of the best communities in Northwestern Ontario to establish a business?

Municipal Leadership and Business Support

business videoThe Township of Ignace is now focused on strengthening its local economy through strategic approaches aimed at building the right capacity to accommodate the right type of investments as it positions itself for long term sustainable growth and development. Its leaders recognize the importance of vision and long-term planning and is moving in this direction through a Master Plan exercise, which will take the community beyond a short-term thinking approach to one that is long-term and comprehensive. In so doing, the Township continues to nurture a suitable business climate ensuring the success of all businesses.

Business opportunities in Ignace are more affordable and there is less competition when compared to larger cities. The newly completed Business Gap Analysis completed by KPMG alludes to the affordability of doing business in Ignace. The Business Gap Analysis also indentifies several viable business opportunities that can be realized now given the current situation of the community. Check out our Business Gap Analysis for a detailed description of all these opportunities. Through the newly designed Community Investment Plan, potential investors can benefit from a range of financial and non-financial incentives allowing for the establishment of business ventures to be even more affordable.

Main Sectors and Future Outlook

The Township has had a long, rich history in the mining and forestry sectors that still continue to play a significant role in the community’s economy. Presently, Ignace continues to position itself to benefit from the Ring of Fire mining development (the most promising mining development in Ontario in a century). Resolute Forest Products maintains a striving operation, while the tourism sector remains the staple of the community. Currently, public administration employs the largest percentage of workers, while accommodation and food services, retail trade, educational services, construction and transportation and warehousing round out the popular industries.

With the development of the Ring of Fire accessed by Hwy 599 and the potential of becoming the host to the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) for the construction and operation of a nuclear waste repository, Ignace is poised to become a successful launch point for economic development of the north.


The Township of Ignace is located within the Kenora District of Northwestern Ontario. It is located on the Trans-Canada Highway, two and a half hours west of Thunder Bay, five and a half hours east of Winnipeg. Highway 599, Ontario’s most northerly paved highway, starts in Ignace, leading north to Savant Lake, Pickle Lake and winter roads further north to many First Nations communities.

Available Property

Ignace and its locations on the Trans-Canada Highway is well suited to businesses requiring facilities for light manufacturing, warehousing, storage and distribution. Our industrial lots have no prior use by industry and are centrally located with easy access to highways and Canadian Pacific Railway's main line. The Township also has an extensive inventory of surplus properties for sale, inclusive of a 70-acre industrial park.


The Township of Ignace is home to a labour force that is 768 persons strong. In 2017, the Township of Ignace had a diverse population profile. With residents in the working age of 15 – 64 representing 64% of the population. While English is the predominant language, there is a strong encouragement toward French learning as Ignace proudly boasts its support of its own French School. The Township of Ignace has more College, CEGEP or other Non-University certificates (24%) compared to the Ontario average (20%) with High School certification or equivalent at 35.7%.

Access to Large Market and Infrastructure

The Township of Ignace is on the eastern gateway to Ontario's Sunset Country in Northwestern Ontario. The Township of Ignace is situated on Highway 17 at the intersection with Highway 599 north and is well-connected to destinations in both Canada and the United States via the Trans-Canada Highway and connecting highways.

The Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) main line east-west passes through Ignace. The switch yard/reload terminal provides quick and easy access to the rail system. The CPR system provides direct access to all major centres in Canada and the United States.

Ignace’s Water Treatment Plant was completed in 2009. Utilities such as gas, electricity are readily available as is high speed internet.

For licensing information and help starting a business, please contact:
Township of Ignace - Economic Development Department
Tel: 807-934-2202 ext. 1034 or 1022.

We look forward to helping you. Ignace is investment ready – we invite you to explore our possibilities.