Business Opportunities
The Township of Ignace has recently commissioned the competition of a Business Gap Analysis. KMPG, a reputable financial firm, was contracted to assist the Township with this initiative. The proposed project focuses energy and actions toward providing economic development opportunities through the identification of viable business opportunities to the Township of Ignace. Each potential opportunity was identified and developed as a result of KPMG’s environmental scan of the community in conjunction with the results of the community consultations.
Township of Ignace Business Gap Analysis
Housing – The potential development of Seniors Housing within the Township
In consultation with the community and as part of an environmental scan of the municipality, the current housing stock of the Township does not appear to include any senior housing. As a result, if a resident desires seniors housing, they are required to choose other communities in the Kenora District who have this type of housing opposed to being able to remain in the community with their social network.
The demographics of the Township appear to resemble those of other municipalities across Ontario whereas a larger proportion of Ontario’s residents are considered to be seniors. Based on the last Census, 23% of the Township’s population was 65 years or older and 31% of the population was between the ages of 50 to 64 years old. As this population shift continues, the needs of these residents will change.
Additionally, it appears the demand for housing is high in the District according to the Kenora District Services Board and depending on what type of unit is being sought, an applicant may be on a waiting list for months if not years.
Housing and Tourism – The potential development of the Township’s waterfront
The Township continues to explore the potential of developing waterfront properties for residential/seasonal housing.
The Township’s waterfront, beyond any potential for housing development, may be positioned for business development including the potential for a marina for both residents but also as part of a larger investment to attract tourism and other recreational activities.
Retail – The potential attraction of businesses to the community
As the Township positions itself for growth and development the potential for increased business investment is justifiable. This potential is linked to the Township's pursuit of the used nuclear fuel repository, the promotion of Highway 599 as the best route to the Ring of Fire development, the community's untapped tourism potential and the fact that Ignace is centrally located along the Trans-Canada Highway, allowing for easy access to larger markets. Additionally, based upon a scan of the current composition of local business as well as stakeholder consultations, the Township appears to be in need of more retail.
Download the detailed Business Gap Analysis to explore all of the viable business opportunities and possibilities. It is imperative to note that the opportunities are not limited to those identified within the Business Gap Analysis. We are happy to work with you one-on-one to ensure the full realization of your business goals.
The Township recognizes the need for investment and as a result, has established and adopted an innovative and comprehensive Community Improvement Plan with the necessary tools and financial incentive programs to encourage investment within the community.
Download the Community Improvement Plan for a greater appreciation of the various business incentives available to YOU.