Financial Services
The Financial Services Department is responsible for the overall financial management of the Township. Their duties include:
- Tax billing and collection
- Purchasing
- Water & sewer billing
- Budget preparation, coordination and review
- General accounting
- Manage insurance coverage and insurance claims
- Payroll & human resources
- Tax sales
The Financial Department consists of:
- Laurie Walton, Payroll and Tax Clerk
- Brandi Cote, Accounts Clerk
Tax Sale Process
Tax sale- Part XI Sale of Land For Tax Arrears Municipal Act (Section 370-389)
a. After property in arrears after 2 years can start the tax sale process (January 1st the following year)
i. Register tax arrears certificate on property
ii. Cancellation price must be paid prior to one year after tax arrears certificate registration.
iii. Extension agreement can be entered into with Council approval prior to the one year of the
registration of tax arrears certificate if default in agreement tax sale process continues whereever
it had stopped due to the agreement.
iv. After one year property will be put up for tax sale for the cancellation price (By Closed Tenders).
b. If no successful bid, Council has 2 years from the date of the sale of property to vest into Township name.
Once Council decides to vest in the Township name, Council can declare the property surplus to the
needs of the Municipality. It can then be put up for sale as surplus properties.